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Category Archives: Peripheral Vascular Diseases

Surgical Treatment

Surgical Treatment

Surgical Treatment and Management of the Treatment in Peripheral Vascular Diseases

The treatment of peripheral vascular disease should be performed by teams that are experts in the field and who can apply and know well all the techniques in a wide spectrum, from preventive treatments to surgical options. In Europe and the United States there are doctors who work as “vascular specialists and surgeons”, but in our country there is some confusion in the adoption of the treatment of vascular diseases. However, the most correct way today is for cardiovascular surgery specialists who have been following and treating vascular disease since residency to provide treatment as a team, along with cardiologists and radiologists.

Elimination of Risk Factors and Lifestyle Changes

While treating diseases of peripheral arteries, it is necessary first to eliminate the causative factors. For this purpose, the following points are important.
• Quitting smoking
• Weight loss
• Regular diet
• Control of diseases such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and diabetes
• Regular exercise

Surgical Treatment:
The surgical treatment is suggested to treat especially the arteries above knees. There are scientific studies that show that surgery is unsuccessful and even harmful in the treatment of diseases below the knee.

In the treatment guidelines, surgical treatment is recommended for patients who have pain at rest or who cannot walk enough distance to maintain their social life. However, surgical treatment methods are recommended to ensure wound healing for patients with non-healing wounds and to increase the level of amputation for amputation candidates.

Surgical treatment methods are used in cases with very long or complete occlusion where interventional methods cannot be used or in cases of recurrent stenosis after interventional methods.

There are basically two types of surgical techniques: Bypass and plaque removal. In bypass surgery, a new bridge is created before and after the occlusion that causes peripheral vascular disease, either through veins taken from the body or artificial vessels. In this method, blood is directed beyond the occlusion via an alternative new pathway. Plaque removal involves opening the artery in the area where the blockage is located, cleaning the inside, and then repairing the artery.

Surgical Treatment in Peripheral Vascular Diseases

Tags: medical and surgical treatment, bypass, artificial vessel, open surgery, medication therapy

Vascular Emergencies

Vascular Emergencies

Peripheral Arterial Embolism

Peripheral artery disease is sudden vascular occlusion caused by a blood clot blocking a narrowed artery (thrombosis) or by a blood clot in a heart or abdominal vessel that breaks off and is carried along with the blood flow, blocking a solid vessel (embolism).

Vascular Emergencies

Patients experience symptoms such as sudden onset of pain, faintness, bruising, and cooling in the region behind the occluded vessel. If delayed, neurologic findings such as loss of sensation and motion in the affected area, as well as tension and hardness, may develop. Prognosis is poor in patients who have not been treated by this time, and treatments up to and including amputation of the affected area may be required.

Doppler ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography angiography are used for diagnosis. In this type of occlusion, which develops suddenly, the duration of the organs’ resistance to oxygen deprivation varies, and the blood supply must be restored to minimize damage. If not intervened quickly, it is a serious picture that can lead to loss of limbs or even loss of life if a large area is affected.

Factors such as the duration of the disease, the extent of the affected tissue, and the location of the occlusion are important in determining treatment. For patients whose treatment is delayed, treatments with blood thinners are usually used. Percutaneous clot-dissolving medications and aspirating treatments may be used in patients who have not yet exceeded the intervention period. However, surgical treatment is one of the methods used to remove the clot.

Vascular Traumas

In cases where arteries or veins have been partially or completely severed as a result of stab wounds, immediate intervention is required. Intervention is necessary to stop the bleeding and to ensure that the tissues beyond the injury can be supplied with blood. Depending on the condition of the injured vessel, repair with a vein graft or bypass, repair with an artificial vessel, or bypass may be necessary.

Vascular Emergencies

Tags: vascular emergencies, vascular traumas, embolism, gangrene, catheter, clot-dissolving, thrombolytic treatment, embolectomy